What can be registered as a trademark?
A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services of a particular source from others. A trademark can be registered to protect the exclusive use of the mark on goods and services. Trademarks can include words, symbols, slogans, logos, sounds, and colors. Registrations are granted by national and regional governments, and can be registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office. In addition to traditional trademarks, businesses can also register trade dress and sound marks. Trade dress refers to the overall look and feel of a product, and sound marks are audio recordings that are associated with a product or service. Registration of a trademark is important to protect the proprietary interests of a company and to prevent others from using the mark without permission.

What is the cheapest way to file a trademark in the us?
The cheapest way to file a trademark in the US is to use the USPTO's online filing system. This system allows users to easily and quickly file a trademark application without the need for costly legal services. The application fees for filing a trademark with the USPTO are relatively low, and applicants can save on additional costs by preparing the application themselves.